Students Educational Adoption Scheme

This unique scheme is introduced in our school few years ago and we developed it well due to the encouragement we got from members, parents and well wishers. Under this scheme, all the educational materials are provided to the needy students at free of cost. The contact number and addresses of such donors are continuously updated. South Indian Education Society and Saraswati Vidyalaya gratefully acknowledge the contribution of parents. Names of permanent members are given below. Through this scheme students from pre primary to secondary department are being considered for assistance. Adequate net work arrangement is made to communicate with the members. Last session, we have approached a social organization (PEACE) for the tuition fees of a girl student of junior college and received a contribution of ten thousand rupees. Every year appropriate announcement is made during the students’ re- union programs about this scheme. Saraswati Vidyalaya consumers cooperative society is a registered society run by staff. From the session 2016-17, the cooperative society is contributing Rs. 50, 000/ for this scheme. Major donations are kept as a Fixed Deposit with SIES and the interest amount is spent on the scheme every year. Other contributions are made directly to the Cooperative store. Some donors identify the students themselves and inform the school administration and for the others the beneficiaries are identified through the class teacher. We are grateful to the members of South Indian Education Society who voluntarily become the members of this scheme and contribute for the education of needy children

List of Prizes/ Funds instituted under this scheme are mentioned below :

  • Shri. S. S. Mohan Ram educational fund for Students Educational Adoption Scheme.
  • Instituted by Shri. Gaurav Agrawal in the name of Shri. Bhratlal Kirodilal Agrawal educational fund for Students Educational Adoption Scheme.
  • Instituted by Shri. Deepak Agrawal and Smt. Sakshi Agrawal educational fund for Students Educational Adoption Scheme
  • Instituted by Shri. Venkatesh Krishnamurthi, in memory of Smt. Maheshwari Shekhar educational fund for Students Educational Adoption Scheme.
  • Instituted by Shri. Adityakumar Mishra in memory of Late Smt. Shivkumari Mishra educational fund for Students Educational Adoption Scheme
  • Instituted by Shri. Amit Taneja educational fund for Students Educational Adoption Scheme.
  • Instituted by Saraswati Vidyalaya Consumer’s Cooperative Society Educational Fund for Students Educational Adoption Scheme.
  • Instituted by Mr. Swapnil Dahat, associate professor Porwal College Kamptee (Ex- Student) donated Rs. 25000/- for Students Educational Adoption Scheme in the name of his father Shri. Ram Dahat.
  • Instituted by 1991 Batch Alumni- Students Educatiuonal Adoption Scheme
  • Amount instituted by Smt.Lalitha Balakrishnan &her daughters families in memory of her husband Late. Shri.R.Balkrishnan in students educational adoption scheme
  • Amount instituted by Smt. Janaki Hariharan in memory of her son Late Shri.Jagadeesh Hariharan in students educational adoption scheme
  • Saraswati Vidyalaya Consumers cooperative society has donated Rs. 50,000 as endownment fund for students’ educational adoption scheme.(A)
  • Saraswati Vidyalaya Consumers cooperative society has donated Rs. 50,000 as endownment fund for students’ educational adoption scheme.(B)
  • Mr. Girish Srinivasan in memory of Shri. P. C. Srinivasan for X maths and student education adoption
  • SVN Reunion 1992 Batch opted for Students Education Adoption.
  • 1968 Batch students contributed Rs. 1 Lac as an endowment fund for girl’s education from Std. I to Std. XII.
  • Sanjay M. Iyer instituted a prize in memory of Late Smt. Revathi Muralidhar for educational adoption
  • Fund instituted by shri.S.Ramachandran and Shri S.Kalyanasundaram in memory of their father Shri.S.Sankaranarayanan for students educational adoption scheme
  • Fund instituted by Mr. Girish Srinivasan in memory of Shri. P. C. Srinivasan for student education adoption

The names of the permanent members are as given below

Sr no Members Sr no Members
1 Shri. Anand Parthasarthy 16 Smt.Annapoorani Venkatesan
2 Shri. Panpalia 17 Smt.Meenakshi.V
3 Shri. Sanjay Rajat 18 Dr.Ravi Waiker
4 Smt. Naina Ingole 19 Shri. S. Praburaman
5 Smt. Swapana Nair 20 Shri. Pankaj Poddar(1992)
6 Shri. Pradeep Nair 21 Consumer co.op society
7 Shri. Aditya Kothari 22 Shri.Shripathy(1992)
8 Shri. S.Jayaraman 23 Shri. Makarand Pandhripande
9 Shri. Gyanchand Belani 24 Smt. Anuradha Balachandran
10 Dr. Varun Bhargav 25 Smt. Resmi Umesh
11 Hon. Justice. Anil Subramanium 26 Smt. Radha. J.Iyer
12 Shri. Ashish Shivhare 27 Smt.Anuradha Srinivasan
13 Smt. Rashmi Shivhare 28 Shri. Nilesh Dhawad
14 Shri. Vijay Sampath 29 Mast. Tejas S
15 Shri. V. Shankaran 30 Shri.S.Ramachandran
16 Smt. Latha R. 31 Shri.S.Kalyanasundaram
17 Shri.Baskar Basu 32 Smt. Lalitha Balakrishnan
18 Shri. Atul Ghadole 33 Smt. Janaki Hariharan